
Father You are so good and today on Fathers day, I want to thank You for who You are.  Thank You Father for all You have done for us, all You are still doing—and all You intend to do.

Starting in the beginning, thank You for all the beauty You created for us to live in, the wonderful foods You made for us to eat, and the animals You created for us to enjoy.  Thank You Father too, that You would love us so much, to know even before You created us our sin— even still You decided we would be worth all the trouble You would have to go through— still You loved us enough to create us.

When our sin got to the point where You just couldn’t take it anymore, You started again when You could have given up—You kept the few righteous and started again.  Your love Father is mesmerizing!  Even to share with us Your pain that You regretted making man, to show us Your feelings is breath taking to me and that it hurt You to have had to start over— but You did.  You don’t quit Father, which inspires me not to quit either.

Then again, we were to the place where Your pain was so great, but Your love greater!  You sent Your Son, part of Yourself to save us once and for all from our sin, becoming sin for us.  How is there a greater love?  There is none like You Father!  Father Your love is so faithful, Your love for us is so much that you give us choice, while You have the power to control us, You give us a choice, You let us choose our destiny— whom we will serve.  Father God You are so wonderful, so beautiful, what can I say?

Now in this place in my life knowing Your thoughts, those thoughts You have chose to share with me— I know Your thoughts are always on Your children and I can see how much each and every one individually— means to You. 

My last assignment Lord, Father God, should have been my heart, but it is mostly Yours. You care more than I do — and for that I can see that You are the Master of Love.  You are Love and Your Love is extraordinarily excellent and without flaw, mature, and selfless— beyond any love I have ever known.

Thank You Father for being You!  Thank You for all You are doing to save us from damnation.  Thank You that even one of us is worth a thousand years to You, how not one of us goes unnoticed in Your eyes.  Thank You Father for showing me how great Your love — so that I can understand the importance of Your Love and so that I can work to imitate You!

Thank You Father for Your patience for me, for all of us, especially for all those who don’t know You.  Thank You Father for Jesus and all He did— for showing us how life is supposes to be.  Most of all thank You, that You never give up and for Your efforts to be sure none shall perish.  Your Love is us is astounding!