Jesus Accused

Jesus, even though He said He is the way, that He came to give us abundant life, is still accused of doing bad.

John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [overflows).

Well, you may be thinking I have one bad thing after another happening in my life and He doesn’t seem to be there.

Have you considered that you haven’t included Him in your life to do those good things? Have you considered that you may not even be in agreement with Him, but with the enemy —thus how can you have the good abundant life?

Most I know live by their own opinion and really have not idea that their opinion is endorsed by the enemy who is out to kill, steal and destroy. So of course the enemies will, will be done in your life because you are in agreement with him.

The solution then is simple, change opinions— change who you serve.

Jesus said if you live in agreement with Him then whatever you ask will be done for you (John 15:7). Then you are eligible for that abundant life He came to give you. But, if you don’t live in agreement with Him you don’t qualify to live that abundant life.

If you live in agreement with the enemy then his will be done, he will kill, steal, and destroy in your life. It is not God’s choice but yours. God said choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19) Jesus said He came to give you abundant life (John 10:10), but you have to make the choice to receive that abundant life.

Can I encourage you today to dump the enemy get out of agreement with him? Instead get in agreement with Jesus, then you can live blessed, blessed, blessed and more blessed!

Blessed when you go in the house and out of the house. Blessings will overtake you! Where-ever you live you will be blessed, you will have health in your body, your children will be blessed as well as your pets. You will have will increase, whatever you put your hand to will be blessed. The Lord will cause your enemies to be defeated. The Lord will command blessings to come upon you and overtake you. All the people will see that you are called by Him, by His name and will even fear you because of Him. You won’t have to go after things but He will add things to you as you make Him your God, as you make Him first place in your life! (Deuteronomy 28 1-14).