I want to share a dream I had Jesus recently remind me of. I had the dream about five years ago and now it seems significant in that His return is upon us. In the dream I was standing on a mountain top watching for Jesus. It was scary, alarming even, because there were only a handful of us watching for Jesus.

The reason it is so significant now in this time for me is —it goes along with what He has recently been making so real to me. And, that is that many are not watching for Him, making it impossible for Him to rescue those.

I was recently in heaven with Jesus at the banquet table and noticed that the table was only a quarter way full. The mountain top was practically empty which compares to the table. Many are missing it, many are not ready for Jesus to return. The reason Jesus didn't come yet is because He is trying to get our attention. He wants us to understand we need to be ready. The plan is that none should perish. It is time for His return, the hour is at hand but many, not a few, but many are not watching for Him and that grieves Him.

When Jesus comes we must be prepared for Him, it is not a trip one qualifies for without planning for it. If you are going to take a trip somewhere there is some planning involved. How much will it cost? When are you going to be ready? How will you get there? What kind of accommodations are you expecting? What if you don't like it there, where you thought you wanted to go? What if you are not ready and you miss your flight, assuming you will fly?

Has Jesus even prepared a place for you? Do you know, have you talked to Him about it? Do you know when He is coming? You should know the season, you may not know the day or the exact hour, which is why you want to be on the lookout for Him —but you should have heard Him warn you —He is near.

Are you sure you will like it there? How will you get there, do you know? What will it cost you, have you asked Jesus the cost? He did say many will miss it because they ignored the cost. Will you be ready, are you packed? Be sure you know what’s happening. The Word tells us God’s people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). For your own peace of mind, ask yourself these questions I challenged you with.

Those listening have heard His yearning, His warning — to prepare for Him, to heed His voice. If you can't hear Him how will you heed His voice? You may call Him Lord, but that doesn't seem to matter in this instance.

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? 23 And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]. AMPC

Don't ignore Him, please!