That last line, depart from Me…

Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name? 23 And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].  AMPC

Sounds to me like Jesus is hurting.  Have you ever said to someone who hurt you —away from me!  I have and it was because someone I loved hurt me.  I curled up and hid my face and said, “get away from me, leave me alone, don’t touch me!”  I can remember for me, that it was a pretty deep pain.  

What do you think Jesus might be feeling here? Picture it, we stand in line I imagine. The next one of us in line steps up; let's say it’s you — just standing there in His presence you know what He is thinking.  As He rushes all those times you denied Him through your mind,  you know you missed it!  Desperate, you try to convince Him, “But, Lord, Lord, I did this for You and that!”   Picture Him now with that hurt look on His face as He turns away from you.  He is in pain because He loves you and you have betrayed Him.  Now He has to say it—away from Me, as He turns His head away from you.  

Not only have you hurt Him by denying Him, but now you, the one He loves has to go where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Hell was not meant for you, but for Satan and His angels.  But, because you chose Satan as your god you have to live with him for eternity!  

I would like to encourage you today to stop giving excuses.  Sin is sin and you have been redeemed from sin. If you invited Jesus in your heart and then commit to follow Him, you have His power in you to quit sin.  So stop sinning, let Jesus have His way.  Stop fighting Him, just obey Him! 

He told me He is frustrated, that many won’t obey Him and that He will have to sentence that day, many to hell.  He is in pain, and you can take that pain away if you would just get on your knees and worship Him, obey Him—ask Him to help you.  There is not much time, hurry and submit to Him.  Many of you have gods before Him.  Like food, sex, money, material things, and people that take His place.  Those are gods before Him.  Anything that opposes His Word is sin and sin is disregarding His command.  Like the rich man it will be impossible when He comes, for you to enter into eternal life with Him if you are in sin.  You can't serve Him and something else at the same time.  Get rid of it, it's not worth it!  Care for Him —please!