Yesterday I left my place of peace where I sit every morning with Jesus. It seemed okay until this morning when I went to sit with Him, I felt icky, like really terrible. Then I heard Jesus say He was disappointed that I left Him and He felt betrayed. I already knew something was wrong, but when He said that my heart sunk.

We have an unsaid appointment every morning for all morning. One He has never broken, but I have. I haven't been unfaithful for a long, long time but, I have always been the unfaithful one in our relationship. He never has been unfaithful to me, never. Of course I repented and He forgave me. I realized all the things He had done for me that for those few moments were gone. I felt empty and without peace, and even anxious. All those things I took for granted that Jesus does for me everyday, all the time —for those few minutes, gone. I never want to feel that again, never. It was terrible to be without Him even for those few moments.  

God uses everything for good of course and so in that time I had without Him He reminded me where many live all the time, always without Jesus. I couldn't do that, I could barely do it for those few minutes I did this morning. In this happening, God reminded me of the lost and how they have no idea what they are missing. Without having Jesus in their lives they don't have the peace and joy we have everyday. They don’t have that contentment we need, we have from Jesus in the midst of whatever is going on. Only Jesus can do what Jesus does. No man, no thing, no event or vacation, nothing; can even touch the fulfillment we get from sitting with Jesus.  

For a few seconds I thought of hell and how terrible hell would be —to feel that torture I felt without Jesus for the few minutes I did, but forever. Jesus is so good and if you have that constant self doubt, that discontentment and no peace —then you have to meet my Jesus.  He will take away the torture you go through without His presence in your life. To be in that place where you are always looking for something to suffice and it does for a little while, then you have to suffer again looking for that which you will never find without Jesus. 

You need Jesus, you need Him to fill you with His presence. You don't need anything or anyone else —ever to be okay. You can't be okay without Jesus ever! You might think so for a while, but then in the midst of your trying to do life without Him you will realize your still missing something!  

Go to Him and be faithful to Him because that is when He remains with you, when you love Him. When you love Him and remain in Him, He lives in you. 

John 14:21 Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him. AMPC

When you plug in your phone to the phone charger it charges, you can’t charge it any other way. You can’t live without plugging into Jesus everyday, not life to the full and life overflowing —you can't.

John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).  AMPC

Many think it's the stuff but stuff only wears out and wears you out. Jesus will build you up and make you strong. Only Jesus can give you life to the full. The stuff is meant to kill, steal, and destroy you. Choose Jesus not the temptations that lead to eternal damnation. If you think your life now is bad, hell is worse, don't go there.

If you never asked, ask Jesus to come and live in you. All it takes is to answer that knock at the door of your heart and then heed His voice. He is already there —answer Him with your knee bent —submit to Him. There is no other way, no one else for you but Jesus!

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me. AMPC