—One evening I was out doing errands when I heard God impress upon me to get gas. I didn’t know it then, but it was apparent later that I had an appointment with a homeless man.

I noticed the man right away because he was digging through the garbage cans. I thought I would give him some money but as soon as he noticed me, he started to have a temper tantrum. In his rage he kicked the garbage can a few times and then threw the cover as far as he could. It was as though he was putting on this outrageous fit just for me. 

As he glared at me, it seemed his intention was to scare me. I assume it probably helped that I was there to have someone to release his anger toward. I sensed his thoughts were something like —why am I homeless and you're not? Why am I going through this and you're not? I hate my life, why do you have a car and I don't?

I could hear my excuses all the way home. It was about me, not him, not Jesus, but me. This man wasn’t sweet enough for me, he shouldn't have acted that way. He shouldn't have freaked me out, then I could have helped him.  

The next morning while sitting with Jesus, He confronted me. He said I was selfish and I should have helped that man. I had ministered in situations similar to this one before, I know I don't have to be afraid. 

Jesus suggested, what if that were me and I was homeless? I might not be so sweet either. As I pondered that idea I thought wait, no, I would be because I have faith. Exactly Jesus’ point, the man didn't have faith. He needed Jesus and I had Jesus to give, but I kept Jesus to myself. I didn't share Jesus because I didn't think of it.  


Then God said, ”That's why you can't see Me. If you could see Me you would judge Me. That man is Me, My son, part of Me. What if that was Me on the street corner holding a sign? What if I was wearing an old red flannel shirt with holes in it? What if I was dirty, didn't comb My hair or shave, and what if I was angry? —You would judge Me. What's more, what if I didn't want money, what if I was lonely and just wanted someone to talk to? Would you give Me the time of day?” He didn’t wait for me to answer but continued, “What if some days I was just wanting to hang out in some comfy clothes and have a hot chocolate with you? What if I wanted to cry over how that man on the corner was Judged? What if I wanted to share My heart, My pain, and My tears with you? Would you even have time?”

I heard what He was saying to me, I just wanted to give this man some money to quiet him and ease my conscience. Money wasn’t the only thing this man needed, he needed Jesus, but I didn't think of giving Him Jesus. As well, I didn't have time to spend time with him and he was too dirty and angry to invite him into my car. If those weren't my convenient excuses (obstacles), I could have ministered to that man.  

God’s love and compassion for this man caused Him to need a disciple. God needed me to minister to this man and I certainly could have handled the assignment given to me if I loved God properly. If it wasn't about me and it was about God, if I truly cared for God I would have been more concerned with His child out on the street, than myself. 

God’s intention wasn’t to condemn me but to show me who He is and who I am. I needed to mature in loving God with all my heart, soul, and mind which means if I love Him I will care about what He cares about, and of course, He cares for that man on the street.

I already knew before I sat with Jesus the next morning that I missed it. But to hear Him tell me what He thinks, and how He feels, that He thinks of Himself as that man— was pretty mind-blowing! He left an imprint in my heart and I will never look at another person again without seeing Him.  

He has definitely changed my life by showing me His emotions. Knowing how He feels and letting me feel His feelings has caused me to become emotionally involved with Him. His life is now my life and so if this man is that important to God, then he is me. If any person matters that much to God, they now matter that much to me. 

Looking back to that day I can see God had started to pull on my heart then already. When you love someone and they hurt, you hurt. That’s what was happening, He hurt and as He hurt and let me feel His hurt, that caused me to hurt. He was causing me to fall deeper in love with Him by letting me feel how He felt —

—This is an excerpt from Lee’s new book THE MAN IN THE RED FLANNEL SHIRT coming soon—