Sometimes we are offended at God and don't even realize it.  Being offended at God is something that happens when we start looking at what is— meditating the enemies lies.  

When we are meditating on the devils lies we are leaving our faith and entering into offense.

Meditating the devil's lies leaves us offended at God —offended at God is blaming God.  

Recognizing that we are listening to the enemy is a revelation we have to have.  Whenever you feel out of sorts, or crabby — it is due to what you are thinking.  

The enemy's power is in our thinking (2 Corinthians 10:3-4). 

When we find ourselves in this state we should immediately examine ourselves —by quickly discerning our thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Are youI thinking about —poor me and what is? Are you thinking God should have done something by now?  

If that is you today, you have been enticed by the enemy to feel sorry for yourself and to be offended at God.  His motive is to steal God from you by getting you off the path just like Jesus warned us in Mark 4:15. Jesus said as soon as you hear the Word Satan would come and try to steal the Word (God from you).

The power the enemy has over us is in our thinking which is why we have to be on top of getting our faith —by keeping our mind on God and who God is.  We do that by hearing the Word of God so we can stay in faith, so we can think the truth and not the lie. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

Just like Jesus said —the enemy is trying to steal God from us, so what better way than to get us offended at God by telling lies about God (Mark 4:17).

What you should do if you are here—quickly change your thoughts. 

2 Corinthians 10:5  [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), AMPC

Then take the time to apologize to God.  I hear many say God can handle it, He gets it.  Yes He can but does that make it right that we should blame Him for our mistakes?  Our mistakes, due to our lack of persistence in knowing Him, and growing up in Him?

When your kids are little yes you let them get away with some things because they don't know any better, but as they grow up we expect more from them.

We are always trying to make ourselves feel better, but should we be?  Maybe if we stayed uncomfortable with ourselves and grew up and took responsibility for our actions, we could be faithful to God.

How uncomfortable do you think it has been for God?  Have you wondered how He felt when you falsely accused Him? Do you know that He is Person with feelings? Do you think history keeps repeating itself?  Can we love God, as He loves us? Can we stop falsely accusing Him? We can by believing Him no matter how it looks or how it feels and just get to know Him better.