GOD WANTS to bless us but if we won't obey Him, He actually can't.  You might be thinking, He can't?  God can do anything, He can bless me if He wants to.  No He really can't.   Unless you obey Him He can't do anything.  Either you are for Him or against Him (Matthew 12:30) and if you don't obey Him —you are in His perspective against Him.

I learned this when my son was born.  God showed up in the midst of the doctor telling me my baby had a birth defect.  In His kindness, His love and mercy —He was there for me even though I hadn't been obedient to Him.  I hadn't even called upon Him yet —and He was there to comfort me.  But, He said there was nothing He could do.  But then He said —I would see my son healed. 

I didn't know what that meant at the time, but I hung on to His Words—you will see your son healed.   Later He taught me that He can’t do anything outside of His Word. God is faithful to His own Word. He will do what He said He would do.  He said —if you fully obey Me I can bless you.  If you don’t you live under the curse (Deuteronomy 28: .  That certainly is not His choice but if that is what we choose, then that is how it will be because He gave us choice ( Deuteronomy 30:19).  

It’s automatic.  The choices we make determine which Kingdom we live in.  if we fully obey Him, then we live in His Kingdom, but if we don’t we live separated from Him.  Living separated from Him, is a terrible thing.  Once you are accustomed to living with God and in His blessings, it is horrifying to live any other way —in my opinion.  To think you can live blessed and it doesn't happen is also not great, but depressing.  Many live that way though because they don't know any better as I did and still do from time to time, if I don't listen.  The reason we might live this way is that we were taught wrong. And we didn’t study God for ourselves.  The Bible tells us to study to show ourselves approved.  We have to study God and His ways for ourselves.  Then when we know what to do, just do it!  Listen to Him because He wants us to live in His Kingdom and live blessed beyond measure!   And the only way to do that is to obey Him.  

Living deceived is not how God wants us to live but, it is how we will live if we don't take the time to know Him for ourselves.  That said —the same is true for our eternity, if we don't obey Him we will live separated from Him.  You may think on that day everything will be fine, but when you get there you will see the truth. Don't ignore what He said, He will do what He said He would do. How about looking at the truth now before it is too late?  Let Him correct you now so when you stand before Him you are not condemned to lawlessness.

Matthew 7:21  Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.22 Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name?  23 And then I will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands]. AMPC

Revelation 3:19 Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude]. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me.  AMPC