Have you ever dreamed of the man or woman you will marry one day? Have you thought of the qualities that man or woman would have to have to meet your approval? Faithful, honest, someone you can call on day or night. Maybe a sense of humor, but still serious enough to know your needs. Someone to cry with or laugh with, to tell how you feel, yet to be straightforward with the truth you need to hear?

How will you find that person with those qualities you are looking for? You will have to search for that someone. Once you think you have found him or her, you will have to take the time needed to get to know that person to find out if they are indeed that perfect one. I suppose going on a date and chatting would be the first thing you might do. From there, a walk into life where real things happen, where personalities arise that you may not see in a perfectly planned date. 

Time invested in knowing someone is the answer to the unknown man or woman of your dreams. You will have to invest time to know that man or woman you may want to spend the rest of your life with. Time to find out every detail of that person before you marry him or her would be the thing to do. 

Did you know if you are thinking you want to live with Jesus in heaven forever—you are expected to be His Bride? You have to be that one that has taken the time to know Him and to be sure you want to marry Him. 

You will have to have taken the time to know Him and be sure He is who you want to spend the rest of your life with. You have to be sure you agree with Him. After all, you wouldn't want to marry or spend the rest of your life with someone you don't agree with.   

Jesus as well is searching for that perfect Bride. Will you be the one He can find to be faithful to Him? One who has taken the time to know Him and approve of Him? Will you be the one who is not embarrassed of Him and will do His work? Will you be the one who will care about how He feels and listen to Him when He is happy or sad? Will you be the one who is faithful to do His will? Can you not only give to Him the things He needs and be faithful and true to Him —as much as you are looking for that One to be faithful and true to you?

You cannot trust someone you don’t know and as well, you won’t want to move in with a stranger. Jesus is coming soon and you have to decide if you want to marry Him. —To decide be sure and get to know Him.

SR —John 1:1, Revelation 19:7, Ephesians 5:27, John 14:21