Jesus said this to meyou have your dress on backwards. He was referring to how I was conducting an area in my life. I was doing things His way and then as we do, I started to waiver and in wavering I started doing things my way. I immediately changed what He was showing me I was doing backwards according to His idea. In doing so I had instant joy, peace and contentment. I love when He corrects me because it is always for my good. It is always life-changing to get His perspective— confirming to me, once again He cares for me —because I know He corrects those He loves.   

Have you, your dress on backwards? Do you live your life according to the Word of God because you love Jesus and want to live with Him? Has it happened to you? You get all dressed up in His Word, thinking you’re looking good, like you're going to live His way, and then Jesus gives you that glimpse of yourself? Now you didn’t look as good as you thought?

Don’t get offended when that happens, but know that He cares for you and that is why He is correcting you. He is when He corrects you, preparing for His promised blessings and preparing you for heaven. One correction at a time will take you to the place of being dressed and ready to go with Him when He comes.  

If you have this understanding and you are willing to change, you will appreciate Jesus’s counsel. You will in fact crave it because the more He corrects you, the more you are like Him and the happier you will be. Jesus said to get excited to be corrected, it is a good thing! He is preparing you to stand before Him that day properly dressed, ready for the new heaven and the new earth! 

 Let me encourage you today, don’t be mediocre. Don't miss heaven because you were too lazy to turn your dress around. Instead get excited that Jesus is asking you to marry Him, that He is inviting you to live with Him forever! Feel the blessing, appreciate that He is even offering to help you get ready for the occasion! 

Start now, ask Jesus to correct you. Ask Him to help you get dressed, not once but every day.  Let Him transform you into His likeness so that when you stand before Him that day, your attire matches His<3

Revelation 3:19 Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten [I discipline and instruct them]. So be enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal and repent [changing your mind and attitude]. AMPC